2013年12月31日 星期二


    This summer vacation, I watched the " RUNNING MAN " on the Internet. Because of this, it brought me the happiness throughout the whole summer vacation. Today, I want to share the " RUNNING MAN " with you. 
    You may guess what is Running Man? Running Man is a South Korean variety show, which is a new kind of variety shows based on urban environment. There are seven emcees in the show and each emcee all has different personalities. During the show, if one of emcees does not appear, the show would be less interesting. Therefore, every emcee is very important in the show. The emcees and the guests take part in a series of missions to win the game at the end of race. Each time, the missions are all different that can always catch the audience's attention. When they do the missions, they always have some troubles and funny things happened. When watching the show, you can see how they complete the missions by teamwork and how they fail to complete the missions by betrayal.
a funny part from Running man
    I think that the emcees in Running Man just like a family, and their relationships are even closer than their family. Sometimes, they would do some water activities in the winter. Even though they know that it is cold, they still do it. From this, I can feel their efforts and bravery to complete the missions. This makes me feel touched.

    The winter vacation is coming. If you have the time, you can go on the Internet to take a look at RUNNING MAN. I think Running Man must bring you a lot of laughs.     

2013年12月22日 星期日

Happy Birthday To My Mother

    This Friday was my mother' birthday. My father took my mother to Kaohsiung to celebrate her birthday. By the way, I also went with them. When we arrived at Kaohsiung, we took the taxi to the SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI which was a department store. There was a exhibition of Lanling Wang's costumes, and Lanling Wang was a television program. That's why we went to the department store. It was because my mother was the fan of the television program, she hoped that she could come to see the exhibition. 

    After seeing the exhibition, we walked to the hotel's restaurant to eat the lunch although it was two p.m. already. It took us about thirty to walk to the hotel named GRAND HI-LAI HOTEL. The restaurant which was a cafeteria was at forty-three floor, so we could see the Kaohsiung harbor through French windows. In addition, there was so a lot of food that you could choose what you want to eat. The restaurant's atmosphere was good and the food was delicate. Finally, I wanted to say happy birthday to my mother.

2013年12月16日 星期一


    These days' weather was not so good. It was sometimes raining and sometimes sunny. You can have a good or bad mood depending on the weather.  I think the weather just like a magician, because he changes the weather all the time, and we can not predict what the weather would be in the future. 

   The weather would influence natural ecosystem. Some animals would appear in the raining day, and some would show up in the sunny day. In addition, some natural phenomena like rainbow are affected by the weather. Because of the changes of the weather, we can enjoy different sights.

2013年12月10日 星期二

Visiting The Towel Shop - IICake

    I thought I was so lucky to have a chance to visit the towel shop. Why did I have a chance to visit it? It was because my translation course's teacher told me that we would visit the towel shop, and we should hold the chance to learn something we didn't know. The towel shop sold not only the towels but also the towels that was designed into different molds such as the cakes, the animals and so on.

    This afternoon, we went to visit the towel shop. At first, the staffs guided us to introduce the shop. There were many places that were so interesting. For example, there was a big window which we could see how the staffs make the designed towels. In addition, there was a big and long towel on the wall. The towel was so beautiful because the towel was so many colors and a painting on it.  The Painting was introduced Yunlin features such as coffee bean, watermelon, Jan Fu Sun fancy world and so on. When you saw the staffs make the towels, you may want to do it by yourself so the towel shop provide the customers for DIY. 
    Many years ago, China's towel factories exported their towels into Taiwan. China's towels were much cheaper than Taiwan's one, so many Taiwan's towel factories faced to close down. Now, the IICake emerge, Taiwan's towel factories become prosperous again.  That's why I appreciate the towel shop's promoter so much. He save many towel factories and enhance the towel's value.

2013年12月1日 星期日

Happy Birthday To My Father!!!

    Today is my father's birthday, so we decide to go to Tasty to celebrate. Tasty is a high level restaurant. I look forward to this day so long. I have ever been to Tasty one time, and I felt the service there was very good. In addition, the Tasty's atmosphere was also so nice that it was a good place to celebrate anything. If you have some plans to celebrate, I advise you to go to Tasty.
    Today is a special day to my father. I want to say "Happy Birthday" to my father. Although I don't give the gift to my father, I appreciate him that he always help me to solve any problem and face the difficulties together. In my mind, my father is so grand and I also want to say " I love you, daddy."


2013年11月25日 星期一

Thanksgiving day is coming !!

    Thanksgiving Day is coming. In this day, no matter how busy you are, you should go home to have a reunion. In the America, the main dish is the turkey. Eating the turkey in the Thanksgiving Day is a custom. Most important of all, reunion is a purpose of Thanksgiving Day.
    We should have a thankful mind, especially in the Thanksgiving Day. This time, I want to appreciate what my parents do for me. When I was a baby, they took care of me carefully. I remember that one day, I was got hurt by the bicycle, and my ankle was so hurt that I couldn't move. My grandfather sent me the the hospital immediately. When my parents heard about this, they go to the hospital as soon as possible. When I saw them, I cried loudly, because I was so afraid that I should cut my leg. My parents just hugged me tightly, and told me that all is well. I could feel that they were so worry, but they did not show on their face. Instead, they tried to let me calm down, and keep telling me that it is okay.
    I can feel my parents' love everyday. I really love them and I want to say " I love you " to them.

2013年11月19日 星期二

The sorrow

    The last Tuesday afternoon, after I took a nap, I found my dog was dead. At that moment, I was astonished and I did not know what I should do. I went out and called its name. However, it did not move. I cried and called my father to tell him that dog was dead. My father also astonished, and he kept asking me that is the thing real. When all my family members knew the fact, they were all sorrowful.
    The dog accompanied us for more than ten years. In other words, the dog was long-lived. We had many pleasant memories. We took a walk together, and we would go jogging sometimes. The dog did not like take a shower. When we wanted to wash its body, he just always ran away. We needed to catch it, but it ran so fast that we could not catch it easily. We needed about ten minutes or so to catch the dog, and we are tired after catching it. It was so naughty.
    Although it was no longer to accompany us, it was still in our mind. Because of the memories, we still felt that the dog was by our sides.

2013年11月11日 星期一

First time

    It is a first time that I have a blogger. It is also a first time I share my daily life with people all over the world on the Internet. Good time are for sharing with friend.
    At first, I want to show you my family members.
    This is my parents. My father is so considerate that I would tell my father about my secrets. He would give me suggestions when I have problems about my school work or argument with my brother. My mother is good at cooing. Sometimes, she would cook many delicious dishes such as potato salad, sushi and pineapple shrimp ball for my family to eat. Although these dishes can be eaten in the restaurant, my mother's are more palatable. It is because every dish my mother makes is full of my mother's love.

    This picture is my little brothers and I. Although I am older than them, I am also shorter than them. When we were children, we always played together. Our relationships is so close that we all know each other's secrets. When I see their faces, I can know that their mood is good or bad. If they have something in their mind, I always discover it immediately.
    I am glad that I have a happy family. My family like a shelter that can let me feel free from care.